Updates on Improving Healthcare Accessibility

Hi delegates! I was reading a little bit more about "Improving Healthcare Accessibility" and came across this article that I think you would find interesting.

Feel free to give it a quick read and I'll also summarize the main points below:

AI and automation's role in healthcare

  • analyze medical images to identify early signs of diseases
  • help understand the cardiovascular system in women
  • still prioritize privacy and security 

AI in diet recording

"Nuvilab's AI technology can be used to analyze dietary habits and provide reports on the nutritional intake rate of each menu on personal mobile devices."

This allows more efficient data collection and accumulation, advancing the field of nutrition

Parties it mainly benefits:

  • patients with chronic diseases
  • growing children
  • seniors in care facilities


  • potentially creating a machine that is able to detect which embryo has the highest chances of becoming a healthy baby 
  • computational embryology 
  • An IVF clinic reported the birth of the first IVF baby, which came from embryonic evaluation and selection by an AI model

AI in Drug Developmental Cycles

US FDA announced its modernization act 2.0, which enables the following ways to test for the safety and effectiveness of a drug:

  • cell-based assays
  • computer models 

I hope you found this article as interesting as I did and I'd love to read anything you found in the research process. Feel free to recommend any good reads in the comments or offer your opinion on this one!


  1. Great information! I think that there are limitless opportunities to explore between medicine and Ai! The applications of Ai have always been very intriguing to me because there are so many ways to incorporate it into any field today. I am definitely looking forward to the conference :)


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