
Slideshows from Committee Session 1

 Hi delegates! I hope you all had a fun time last night, and I hope you're excited for today! 1. Example lecture: 2. Kei's Microlecture:

T-2 Days to Conference - Things to Keep in Mind!

 Hi Delegates, Conference is two days away! We have enjoyed reading your position papers and giving feedback so if you have not already, we highly encourage you to go over our feedback. If you would like any further clarification, sign up for office hours  or feel free to shoot us an email.  If you are unable to sign up for office hours, we hope to cover from frequently asked questions to help you feel better prepared: 1) What will committee procedure be like? Ans: We will be following typical BMUN procedure with some differences. Some BVC-specific changes include your final "resolution" being your business pitch and no voting bloc. We highly encourage you to take a look at this blog post  for more information. We will be starting Friday's committee session with more information and an opportunity to ask questions so keep that in mind! 2) What should our business pitches look like?  Ans: Your initial pitches should try to synthesize your position paper into a creative an

SWOT Analysis

Greetings delegates! BMUN is just around the corner, so I wanted to revisit the pinnacle outcome of the committee: your businesses! Creating your own business ideas and crafting pitches could definitely be intimidating, but not to worry, in this blog post, I'll go further into a good starting point to make sure that you'll put your best foot forward in turning the creative business ideas you have into a great pitch.  The SWOT analysis is a great way to organize the fundamentals of your businesses: S - Strengths What would your business do well? What makes your business unique and what sets you apart from your competitors? What facet of the problem is your business able to address that most of the companies in the market do not? What features of your business and product are innovative and new? Internal Resources Skilled and knowledgable staff Tangible Assets Intellectual Property Capital Proprietary Technologies Access to certain equipment W - Weaknesses What would your busines

Last Minute Tips + Conference: Good Luck!

 Hellooooo, delegates! With conference just around the corner, I wanted to use this as a space to say thank you for all of your amazing position papers! We understand that this committee is unorthodox, and we're extremely grateful for the effort you all have put into this.  I've received a few emails about this, so I'll briefly outline the flow of committee here: You will be representing yourself, so feel free to introduce yourselves by name to the dais and to your fellow delegates. The dais will be acting as venture capitalists—or the "sharks" from Shark Tank . At the end of committee, we will be evaluating your developed business pitches and awarding you with however much we think it's worth. Because we have an open-tech policy, we highly encourage you all to bring your electronic devices; however, we would prefer if you were to do your research and work on a laptop or tablet as opposed to your phone.  The open-tech policy is meant to help you guys develop y

Information on Debate and Office Hours

  Hi delegates! I hope you have had a smooth research process thus far! As we count down the days until BMUN 72, I wanted to check in to remind you of some important dates, announcements, and opportunities we have for you. Debate As we near the start of BMUN 72, I wanted to refer you to our Conference Policies page. Here you will find all of our policies on awards, plagiarism, pre-written resolutions, electronic use, dress code, and harassment . Please take the time to read through this page as the maintenance of these policies are critical to ensuring a positive BMUN experience for all– and be sure to email us any questions you may have. Office Hours Last but not least! Office hours!! In case all the blog posts and emails have been daunting, we hope you will sign up for office hours to chat with us for a bit! Office hours are a great opportunity to ask us any questions or receive feedback on your position papers! The link to sign up for office hours can be found here and on our comm

Tips for Solutions

  Hi delegates! As BMUN grows nearer, I wanted to offer some advice on your solutions and what our dais expects for committee!  Before diving into the different types of business approaches we are hoping to see in committee, I wanted to take this opportunity to revisit our learning goals and expectations for research in hopes that your solutions end up addressing these key points: Does your business address at least one of the five dimensions of healthcare accessibility (availability, accessibility, affordability, accommodations, acceptability)? Is your business actually feasible? If you were to implement this in the real world, would it be able to uphold after the initial funding from the dais? What makes your business different from its competitors? What makes it unique? Is your business profitable? Please keep these learning goals in mind when forming solutions! They are key points we want you to address!  Need stepping off points to start thinking about ideas? Start at the synopsi