Last Minute Tips + Conference: Good Luck!

 Hellooooo, delegates!

With conference just around the corner, I wanted to use this as a space to say thank you for all of your amazing position papers! We understand that this committee is unorthodox, and we're extremely grateful for the effort you all have put into this. 

I've received a few emails about this, so I'll briefly outline the flow of committee here:

You will be representing yourself, so feel free to introduce yourselves by name to the dais and to your fellow delegates. The dais will be acting as venture capitalists—or the "sharks" from Shark Tank. At the end of committee, we will be evaluating your developed business pitches and awarding you with however much we think it's worth.

Because we have an open-tech policy, we highly encourage you all to bring your electronic devices; however, we would prefer if you were to do your research and work on a laptop or tablet as opposed to your phone. 

The open-tech policy is meant to help you guys develop your businesses through further research. Eventually, when you start formulating your final business pitch, you will need to create a Google slide that summarizes your plan.

With that being said, if our open tech policy is abused, then our policy is subject to change. We will then move forward in committee the old-fashioned way. 😜

1. Speaker's list:

The speaker's list will be exchanged for an elevator pitch. This is where you will pitch your main business idea to your fellow delegates. You will get one minute to speak, and we will allow two follow-up questions (instead of two 30-second comments).

2. Unmoderated Caucus:

You will be using your electronic devices mostly in unmod. You will also be able to talk to other delegates. Here is where you can decide to merge your businesses with others or drop your business entirely in favor for a new one. 

Unmod is also where you can establish your focus area, audience, and more. You will start brainstorming about how much your business costs, how much you're going to ask from the dais, and figure out where most of your profit will come from. 

3. Moderated Caucus:

Throughout committee, we will hold moderated caucuses for you to update other delegates on what your business has developed. This will give you the opportunity to sway other delegates into joining your business pitch, as well as demonstrate what makes your business different from the others. 

4. Micro-lectures:

Because BVC operates differently from other committees, we will be sporadically having micro-lectures to guide you all on business development, public-private relationships, and capitalism. Outside of these micro-lectures, the dais would be happy to answer any questions you all have! This is a learning conference.

A small note:

Our office hours on Thursday have changed. We will now be hosting them from 5 - 6 PM PST. Please sign up, guys! We would love to see your beautiful faces before conference starts.

Again, we are so excited to see you all next week, and good luck!

Maia Hernandez
BVC Head Chair, BMUN 72


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