T-2 Days to Conference - Things to Keep in Mind!

 Hi Delegates,

Conference is two days away! We have enjoyed reading your position papers and giving feedback so if you have not already, we highly encourage you to go over our feedback. If you would like any further clarification, sign up for office hours or feel free to shoot us an email. 

If you are unable to sign up for office hours, we hope to cover from frequently asked questions to help you feel better prepared:

1) What will committee procedure be like?

Ans: We will be following typical BMUN procedure with some differences. Some BVC-specific changes include your final "resolution" being your business pitch and no voting bloc. We highly encourage you to take a look at this blog post for more information. We will be starting Friday's committee session with more information and an opportunity to ask questions so keep that in mind!

2) What should our business pitches look like? 

Ans: Your initial pitches should try to synthesize your position paper into a creative and well-thought-out pitch deck/slideshow presentation. We highly encourage the use of props and more engaging ways to help make your idea stand out. Here is a Sample BVC Presentation to be inspired by - note that this is a final pitch and your initial pitch is not meant to be as detailed. 

Some things to keep in mind: 

These are business pitches: We are looking for finances, revenue models, strategy tools like SWOT analyses etc. While we completely understand that many of your proposed solutions have no real financial data, we would love to see some level of insight into where the money you hope to receive from us is headed to. 

Geographic location: Many of you have chosen small localities to implement your solutions at while some of you have chosen incredibly broad regions. While there is no right or wrong place to focus your business model on, make sure to really address why your chosen region is in need of your business. That is, why this region first?

Continued success and monitoring: When constructing a business roadmap, make sure to have metrics of success. One way to think about this is via SMART framework. While many components of this framework are not super relevant to our committee goals, its emphasis on timeboundness and actionable solutions really hold true when it comes to addressing healthcare accessibility

Lastly and most importantly, have fun!! We want this to be a learning conference and to be as educational as engaging for everyone in BVC. We are such a unique committee and we want conference to reflect this intersection of business, policy and creativity as much as possible. Once again, we are so excited to have you all and look forward to meeting soon. 


Sinchana Srinivas

Vice Chair, BVC 



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